Name: Akuba
Gender: Male
Orientation: Demisexual
Versions: Human and Regular Soquili Worlds: Soquili, General Human Headcanon Partner: Aurynne Associations: Athenavinita


  1. w/ Niele - Accalon, Charlotte and Stripe
  2. w/ Sonata - Unknown (not owned by me), Sonnet and Symphony
  3. w/ Aurynne - Unknown and Unknown (planning)
  4. ??? - Frost

About (Human Version)

Alignment: neutral good Age: Uncertain (Middle aged) Occupation: Archivist and Local Historian

About (Soq version)

Alignment: lawful good Age: Old (Think wise old man old…) Occupation: Director (Construction Company)

Akuba was first entry into the Soquili world and much loved. The original version was done by Sirenz and the revamp was done by Saint Vis (credited as: Vistada).

He’s aged along with me. He started off as a young fella but now he’s a silver fox enjoying his golden years. He mostly keeps to himself and his family unless someone looks like they’re struggling. Akuba lives with his family herd (The Athenavinita Herd) who are neighbours to the Primrose Herd and former neighbours of the Miakoda Herd before they became Miakoda’s Dawn.

He’s old and Lawful Good. That means that he still has some old fashioned prejudices against some old breeds that were known for being stereotypically bad or evil. He has a hard time trusting them, it doesn’t mean he’ll go out of his way to attack them or be nasty but he will be cautious. It’s not something that’s set in stone because he’s open to being proved otherwise in a safe way but he doesn’t tend to stick around to figure out if he’ll be attacked or not.

Akuba is actually scared of flutters, pixies, butterflies and moths and so tends to avoid them, he’s tried to overcome his fears but bugs rattle him to the core.

Akuba’s main occupation is director of a construction company which he founded himself, gradually over the years it grew and grew, he employs many familiars (raccoons, mice, etc) and Soquili (clawed, flight capable or strong). His clientele include the ren faire reenactment herd, his workers service and check the tents and stands annually.

In his free time he reads and seeks to understand more about life, he used to research alone until Aurynne came along and now they’re like two peas in a pod.

Akuba has developed some feelings for Aurynne but it’s not returned in the same way, she’s not a very lovey-dovey type like him and it’s suspected that she may be aromantic. Akuba had a rocky relationship in the past that ended in a lot of heart break for both sides and so he’s a bit wary about putting his heart into one basket, he loves a little more freely and has multiple partners. He’s still quite guarded when it comes to who he shares his love with as he doesn’t want to put himself in that situation ever again.