Interview Root


Ask them about themselves, the culture, People who talk about themselves come away from the conversation feeling good. You make sure that the org will be a good fit for you Examples: - What is your fave part about working here? - What do you love most about your job? - What makes people stay with the NHS? - What are the biggest challenges you face in your role? - What are the biggest opportunities this department is facing in the next 6 months to a year? - How would you describe the work environment here?

role-specific questions

putting yourself into the role and what you need to do to be successful Examples: - Can you tell me what a typical day looks like in this position? - what do you want the person in this position to accomplish in their first 30 60 and 90 days? - what challenges or opportunities do you foresee this position taking on in the next six months? - how will my performance be measured in this position? - what are the next steps in the interview process?


Give you a chance to fight for your job and clarify any uncertainty they might have about you. Very scary but shows them you can handle feedback. Examples: - based on what we’ve talked about today is there anything that is causing you hesitation about my fit for this position? - how do i compare to other candidates you’ve interviewed for this role? - do you have any hesitations about my qualifications is there anything i can clarify for you? - have i answered all of the questions that you have for me?