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“What Kind Of Work Environment Do You Like?” Best Answer To This Interview Question video from Dan Lok.

Why? Are you going to fit in our environment?

Does your work style and preference fit with their company environment? Are you able to perform? Have you done your research? Have you done your homework? Are you investing time getting to know what kind of work environment they have? Are you self aware of what you need and will you be an asset to the company?

  1. I’m not just looking to fill a position, I’m looking for a career.
    1. You’re telling them that you’re looking for a long term opportunity to excel in.
  2. I applied to to this position because I believe I will excel in this work environment.
    1. Excel is an important keyword
  3. I am confident in my ability to work in a team or on my own.
  4. As your Company encourages both solo and group efforts I believe this is the perfect environment for me.

I’ve always been leading people and I believe this environment would allow me to thrive. I’m calm under pressure and I interact well with others. Not only could I lead a team of employees but I’m very comfortable dealing with clients as well.

From your website it looks like the environment is fast paced and structured to expand and I enjoy working in an environment experiencing rapid growth. And I believe this is the ideal work environment for my working style.

Then ask a redirection question:

  • What does a typical work day look like?
  • Are there meetings during the day?
  • Are there many group projects that we work on as a team?