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Commonly asked NHS Interview Question - Tell us about your Weakness Interview Question: “What Are Your Weaknesses?” And You Say, “…”

Why? Having to show that you have some introspective insight and you have a plan to overcome those weaknesses.

One weakness: New to the NHS (how it would be overcome) Quiet amongst senior staff, not always able to express opinions (can become more confident with time and making sure that my opinion is heard.)

Make it about a skill instead of a personality so that it can actually be fixed and worked on.

Shy —> fixable (explain the public speaking / teaching classes / company wide explanations and demos)

Well, you know what, I’m a very creative person. I tend to come up with all kinds of ideas and when I get these ideas, I’m very excited and I wanna share that with everybody, all my managers, my coworkers and I love to just to share. And what I realized over the years is sometimes these ideas, sometimes they’re good and sometimes they’re not so good. So it is something that I know I need to work on how to prioritize some of these ideas and work on filtering. And in fact, recently, I have been reading a few books. One it’s called by Richard Koch, 80/20 Principle and also Getting Things Done by David Allen. And through the book, I’ve picked up a lot of techniques and tools. Now they are helping me to filter out some of these ideas and how do I prioritize if there’s something that I’m working on all the time. And of course, I’m always open to any coaching from you that can help me to channel my creativity into higher productions for the company.